CubeCart Enhanced Admin Order Entry Plugin

CubeCart Enhanced Admin Order Entry Plugin

CubeCart E-Commerce Software

This Enhanced Admin Order Entry plugin greatly improves the process flow for adding new orders especially those added via telephone, in store or written orders and also when revising existing orders. This plugin requires no code edits to your store and is designed to work with CubeCart version 6.0.8 and later. See below for details about each enhancement and if you wish to purchase it, please click here to add it directly to your basket or alternatively click here to see our range of V6 plugins.

Searching for customers

The customer search functionality has been greatly enhanced allowing a broader search based on a larger range of criteria. The enhanced customer search applies to all customer search areas within the admin section of your store. Customer search now matches as follows:
First Name
Partial matches on the first name of the customer
Surname Name
Partial matches on the surname of the customer
Email Address
Partial matches on the email address of the customer
Company Name
Partial matches on the company name from the address book of the customer
Partial matches on the post code within the address book of the customers
Address Line 1
Partial matches on the address line 1 within the address book of the customers
Address Line 2
Partial matches on the address line 2 within the address book of the customers
Town / City
Partial matches on the town / city within the address book of the customers
State / County
Partial matches on the state / country within the address book of the customers
Customer ID
Full match against the unique customer ID within CubeCart

Select Shipping Services

Standard CubeCart functionality only allows you to type a shipping price into the “Shipping” input area when creating or updating an order but this module greatly improves shipping service selection. Once your customer details are defined within the Billing & Delivery tabs and the inventory has been added or amended, you can press the newly added “refresh” icon next to the shipping price box. After pressing the refresh button the module obtains a list of shipping services and prices from all of your enabled shipping modules and offers you to select the service you wish to use. The module always provides the option of free shipping as the first selection regardless of shipping modules enabled.

Calculated Tax Rates

Much like the shipping price, the addition of tax to an order has typically been a manual process however with this module the process has been greatly improved. The first thing to be aware of when using this module to add tax to your order is that you do not need to add multiple tax types / tax lines to get the correct tax price. You only need to select a single tax type from your available tax list. Selecting a tax type from the available list triggers the plugin to evaluate all of the inventory within the order. Each items tax is calculated based upon the tax class you have defined within the inventory configuration (Note, only applies to the Retail Pricing customer group). Once the tax has been calculated for all of the inventory the tax values are added together and the total tax value is added to the orders tax line. After the value is in the box you can press the add button as you would normally to add the tax line to the order. As the module calculates all of the tax based on the inventory level configuration, adding multiple tax lines is no longer required.

Shipping Weight

When viewing an existing order a new line is added to the Shipping Information area found within the Overview tab. The total weight of the order is added in either KG or LBS based on your store configuration. The total weight is calculated based upon the inventory in the order and any selected product options.


Any notes related to an existing order are added to the order Overview screen as well as the Notes tab

Four printed documents – three completely template based and changeable

Print Order Summary
A new “Order Summary” print button has been added to existing orders and can be found under the Overview tab. This print button will allow you to print the entire contents of the “Overview” tab for your reference.
Print Proforma Invoice
A new “Proforma Invoice” print button has been added to existing orders and can be found under the Overview tab. This printed document is powered by a template which can be modified from within the “Enhanced Admin Order Entry” plugin under the “Proforma Invoice Template” tab. For your convenience a base template is made available with the module which you can modify or replace. You can use standard CubeCart smarty code within your template code.
Print Packing List
A new “Packing List” print button has been added to existing orders and can be found under the Overview tab. This printed document is powered by a template which can be modified from within the “Enhanced Admin Order Entry” plugin under the “Packing List Template” tab. For your convenience a base template is made available with the module which you can modify or replace. You can use standard CubeCart smarty code within your template code.
Print Invoice
The Print Invoice button, found under the Overview tab within an existing order has been improved. In a standard CubeCart store the template for the printed invoice is found in your admin skin files (/admin/skins/default/templates/orders.print.php). Many people use custom templates for their invoices which will often be overwritten when upgrading the store to a newer version. This plugin resolves this problem by making the printed invoice use the template defined within the module configuration. For your convenience a base template is made available with the module which you can modify or replace. The template can be modified from within the “Enhanced Admin Order Entry” plugin under the “Invoice Template” tab. If you already use a custom template for your invoice you can simply copy and paste the code from your template file into the “Invoice Template” tab within the module configuration. You can use standard CubeCart smarty code within your template code.

Order Number

The order number is now appended to the title of the page within the order Overview tab

Customer Registration

When manually adding an order you can either select an existing customer or supply details of a new customer. If you are adding a new customer a customer record is created when the order is saved

Delivery Agents

Within the Enhanced Order Entry plugin configuration area you can find the delivery agents tab. This tab allows you to define your shipping service providers such as Royal Mail, UPS etc. The delivery agents are added to the order edit page as a list so you can choose the agent that will be shipping the goods to your customer. You can capture extra information about the delivery agents such as their name, phone number, website URL and any notes you may wish to share with your customer. Delivery agent information can be added to your email templates allowing you to send more detailed information to your customers.

Delivery Agents – Smarty Objects for email templates
If an order becomes linked to a delivery agent then then information about that delivery agent becomes available for inclusion in your email templates. A new smarty object named $DELIVERY_AGENT can be referenced. The following variables are made available
The name of the delivery agent as defined within the name column of the delivery agents list
The phone number of the delivery agent as defined within the phone column of the delivery agents list
The website URL of the delivery agent as defined within the URL column of the delivery agents list.
Any notes about the delivery agent that you wish to share with your customer as defined within the notes column of the delivery agents list.

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