CubeCart version 5.2.5 released

CubeCart E-Commerce

CubeCart version 5.2.5 released

The CubeCart development team have announced the 5.2.5 release which is predominantly a maintenance release although it does contain a few minor enhancements

What functionality has changed in 5.2.5 from V5.2.4

  • Gravatar added to product reviews.
  • A bulk deletion tool for spam reviews has been added which works via IP Address and/or Email Address
  • Product options stock level has been added to the admin product list page
  • Amazon Checkout “noscript” warning
  • Removed dependency on “img” column of CubeCart_image_index table
  • Improvements to product import tool with removal of defunct and out dated 3rd party schemas
  • Improvements to PayPals’ BillMeLater integration – only used in the USA currently
  • Rich text editor image path automation
  • Bug Fix: Temperamental Pagination Fix
  • Bug Fix: Brute force login protection fixed (default 5 fails & 10 minute lockout)
  • Bug Fix: Fixed digital download data on after an upgrade from a v4 site as per following thread
  • Bug Fix: American Express card validation
  • Removed: PayOffline Payment Module and JanRain Plugin
  • Removed: Deprecated Functions (within the file includes/
  • Added: AddShoppers Plugin (Eventually replacing ShareYourCart who have been bought by AddShoppers)

CubeCart V5 Upgrade

If you are already running CubeCart V5, then completing this upgrade can often be as simple as clicking on “Upgrade” within the Admin | Maintenance area. However there are some points to note specific to this version upgrade and if you are not comfortable with any of these then we strongly suggest that you order the CubeCart upgrade service from us.

  • Put the store into maintenance mode and then always do a full backup before upgrading
  • Always test the store immediately after the upgrade, before taking the store out of maintenance mode
  • The CubeCart setup folder, this needs to be manually deleted via FTP. Functionality to automatically delete this after a successful upgrade has not yet been released
  • If you have made any changes to core files or any of the core skin files then these will be over-written
  • If you are using the 3rd party Vector skin then this requires a small change to one core file. This is still required even though the CubeCart team have now added a new hook but the Vector skin now needs to be upgraded to use this and this release has not yet been done

Our support team are available to perform this upgrade for any current V5 website whether you are already a customer of Havenswift Hosting or not – if you would like help or advice, then again please Open a Support Ticket or simply order the CubeCart Upgrade service from us.

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