This patch only applies to versions of Magento 1.x (including EE), but there is a similar set of security fixes for Magento 2 which can be applied as an upgrade in Magento 2.X
This latest security patch release contains over 10 security fixes including five “Medium” severity issues and six “Low” severity issues. As always with any security related patches, we strongly recommend that you install this patch as soon as possible – attackers actively seek out and target merchants who are slow to upgrade.
More information about the issues patched in SUPEE-10888 can be seen HERE
The patch can be downloaded from Magento and as always, need to be applied using SSH. While all Magento accounts on our servers have SSH access, any client that would like help installing these, should contact us by opening a support ticket so we can patch your Magento store as soon as possible.
For Magento 2 clients, these fixes are available by upgrading and we strongly recommend that all clients upgrade to the latest 2.x version as soon as possible.